On the areas of former State-owned Farms, a majority of the meadows,
pastures and cultivable fields, currently lies fallow. This was also
observed in the Przemyśl Foothills, inter alia, near Cisowa.
Accordingly, the research was undertaken, the objective of which was to
establish the differentiation of plant communities, habitat conditions,
diagnosis of phenomena influencing the vegetation and specifying the
main directions of succession transitions after management cessation.
collected material has allowed for distinguishing 8 plant communities
from the classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Artemisietea
and Plantaginetea.
The average values of Ellenberg's indicator values (L, F, R, N) used
for characterizing the plant community conditions allowed for, inter
alia, comparing the distinguished plant communities and ordering
them from the most fertile to the most barren ones.
The conducted research and analyses revealed
that the increase in the species richness resulting from foreign
species migration and woodland vegetation growth - these are two main
succession tendencies of this area's plant communities, after
management cessation.
Key words: succesion, meadows, pastures,
barren agricultural areas, south-eastern Poland, cessation of
management methods
- Beata Barabasz-Krasny,
Zakład Botaniki, Instytut Biologii Akademii Pedagogicznej im. KEN w
Krakowie, ul. Podbrzezie 3, PL-31-054 Kraków, Polska