Polish Botanical Journal
2009 - Vol. 54, No. 1 & 2

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Volume, Number Contents > abstracts & full text (PDF)
Vol. 54, 1

  • T. Pócs & A. Bernecker:
    Overview of Aphanolejeunea (Jungermanniopsida) after 25 years.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 1-11. <abstract> <PDF>

  • M. Kulikovskiy, H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Witkowski:
    Nupela matrioschka sp. nov., Nupela thurstonensis comb. nov. and Nupela neogracillima comb & nom. nov., (Bacillariophyceae): critical analysis of their morphology.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 13-20. <abstract> <PDF>

  • M. Piątek:
    Sporisorium themedae, new to Mauritius, and Tilletia mauritiana, new to Madagascar.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 21-26. <abstract> <PDF>

  • J. Staszkiewicz:
    Euphrasia exaristata (Scrophulariaceae), a Western Carpathian endemic species new to the flora of Poland.

    Polish Botanical Journal
    2009 54(1): 27-29. <abstract> <PDF>

  • L. Śliwa:
    Lecanora semipallida (lichenized Ascomycota) in Poland.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 31-36. <abstract> <PDF>

  • L. Armata:
    Metzgeria violacea (Marchantiopsida, Metzgeriaceae) in the Polish Carpathians.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 37-40. <abstract> <PDF>

  • A. Ronikier & S. Adamčík:
    Critical review of Russula species (Agaricomycetes) known from Tatra National Park (Poland and Sovakia).

    Polish Botanical Journal
    2009 54(1): 41-53. <abstract> <PDF>

  • D. Karasiński, A. Kujawa, M. Piątek, A. Ronikier & M. Wołkowycki:
    Contribution to biodiversity assessment of European primeval forests: new records of rare fungi in the Białowieża Forest.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 55-97. <abstract> <PDF>

  • P. Mleczko, S. Gawroński & P. Kapusta:
    New inland localities of a rare gasteroid basidiomycete, Cleroderma septentrionale, in natural and anthropogenic habitats in Central Europe.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 99-104. <abstract> <PDF>

  • K. Grodzińska & G. Szarek-Łukaszewska:
    Heavy metal vegetation in the Olkusz region (southern Poland) – preliminary studies.

    Polish Botanical Journal
    2009 54(1): 105-112. <abstract> <PDF>

  • K. S. Rajput, V. S. Patil & K. K. Kapadne:
    Structure and development of secondary thickening meristem in Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae).

    Polish Botanical Journal
    2009 54(1): 113-121. <abstract> <PDF>

Botanical notes

  • M. Kossowska & M. Węgrzyn:
    Lichens recorded on iron and glass in NE Poland.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 123-124. <PDF>

  • A. Łubek:
    Jamesiella anastomosans, a lichen species new to Poland.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1): 125-127. <PDF>

Vol. 54, 2

  • A. Z. Wojtal:
    The diatoms of Kobylanka stream near Kraków (Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska
    upland, S Poland).
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(2): 129-330. <abstract> <PDF>

  • New names and combinations appearing in Polish Botanical Journal Vol. 54.
    Polish Botanical Journal 2009 54(1,2): 331. <PDF>